EU Council pledges support for Somalia

Tuesday July 23, 2013 - 23:55:19 in International News by Chief Editor
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    EU Council pledges support for Somalia

    Brussels, 22 July 2013 Agter the EU FOREIGN AFFAIRS Council meeting on Somalia in Brusselss on Monday, July 22, 2013, The Council adopted the following conclusions on Somalia:

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Brussels, 22 July 2013 Agter the EU FOREIGN AFFAIRS Council meeting on Somalia in Brusselss on Monday, July 22, 2013, The Council adopted the following conclusions on Somalia:
1. The European Union (EU) welcomes the progress made in Somalia in establishing the foundations for re-building the Somali state by the Federal Government of Somalia. It reconfirms its support for the Federal Government and urges it to reach out to all regions of the country and engage in inclusive dialogue to build a viable and stable representative federal State. The EU equally urges regions to engage with the Government in this process. Swift establishment of interim regional and local administrations remains critical to provide governance and deliver social services to the population in newly accessible areas of Somalia. Rapid progress on the Constitutional Review process is therefore essential and will underpin the political and reconciliation processes.

2. Political progress remains the key to ensuring long-term stability for Somalia. The EU commends the role of the Federal Parliament in developing an institutional roadmap that sets benchmarks until 2016 when general elections are due to take place in Somalia. The EU welcomes the steps taken by the Federal Parliament in reaching out to the regions in order to assure that the roadmap is owned across the country. The EU looks forward to the Federal Government's overarching political vision resulting from an inclusive dialogue with all Somali stakeholders and regions, which will be presented at the Brussels New Deal Conference for Somalia in September. This vision should underpin the New Deal Compact framing Somalia's most urgent reconstruction priorities until 2016, which would be endorsed by the international community in September.

3. The New Deal Compact is a strategic means to ensure well-coordinated, effective implementation of Somalia's most vital political, security and socio-economic priorities found within the Federal Government's Six Pillar Policy as well as those of other regions. The New Deal Conference offers a platform for Somali reconciliation and rebuilding trust. It seeks to provide impetus and serve as a catalyst in the political process, marking the beginning of a new phase in Somalia's path towards inclusive national reconciliation, reconstruction and stability, and to maintain the momentum for change across Somalia, supported by the necessary resources. The EU encourages all Somali regions to engage with one another to develop a country-wide framework from which all Somalis would benefit. Furthermore, the EU underlines the importance of consultations with all relevant stakeholders, including civil society and women, and their representation at the Brussels conference.
4. The EU welcomes the Federal Government's commitment towards good public financial management and encourages continued progress in establishing the systems that will enable transparency and accountability of revenues and national resources. It is concerned by reports of corruption and financial mismanagement. The EU calls on the Federal Government to fight against corruption, impunity and organised crime, including human trafficking and smuggling of human beings. The EU highlights the importance of strengthening mutual accountability — to be laid out in the New Deal Compact — between the international community and Somalia, as well as that between the Federal Government and the Somali people. The EU calls upon donors to increase efforts to coordinate their support to Somalia to ensure complementarity and avoid duplication of effort. It welcomes the recent decision of the Joint EU-ACP Council of Ministers on Somalia's accession to the Cotonou Agreement and looks forward to its implementation.
5. The EU strongly condemns all terrorism and violent extremism, in particular the acts of Al-Shabaab, including the recent assault on the United Nations Common Compound. It is concerned about the ongoing violence in Somalia that causes harm to civilians and hampers the process of reconciliation and building peace. It calls on all parties to refrain from violence, exercise restraint and engage in political dialogue to resolve outstanding differences. In this context, the EU welcomes the intention of the UN and the African Union (AU) to deploy civilian staff to monitor the situation in newly accessible areas, including Kismayo.
6. The EU commends the continued efforts of the AU Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) in delivering security. AMISOM remains a critical force in Somalia until such time that Somalia can assume full responsibility for its own security. The EU underlines the importance for AMISOM troop contributors to act in line with the mandate set out in UNSCR 2093 (2013) and in line with the AU strategic concept for AMISOM (5 January 2013). The EU reiterates its strong and urgent call on Somalia's key partners to seriously contribute to sustainable and predictable funding for AMISOM, recognising substantial EU funding. The EU will continue to engage in developing Somalia's own security capacity, as the ultimate exit strategy for AMISOM. In this context, the EU underlines the importance of the Federal Government taking on an increased responsibility and ownership of the security sector.

7. In this regard, the EU welcomes the success of its military training mission (EUTM) in Somalia, which has already provided training to around 3,000 Somali recruits. The EU commends the successful set-up of an initial operational capability of EUTM in Mogadishu as part of a conditions-based deployment, with the aim to contribute to developing the Somali National Armed Forces' structures and their training capacity in Somalia itself. With this, EUTM's move to Mogadishu could help pave the way for possible further EU activities in Somalia.
8. The EU remains fully committed to fighting piracy and armed robbery off the coast of Somalia. It welcomes the good results that its naval operation Atalanta has achieved so far. It underlines that, despite the great progress witnessed against piracy at sea, the threat remains and progress could be reversed. In this regard, efforts also need to continue to address the root causes on land, including to reduce impunity of pirate networks. The EU therefore underlines the importance of its EUCAP Nestor mission to assist Somalia and States in the region to develop self-sustainable capacities and welcomes its initial achievements. The EU will continue to help building up the broader rule of law sector, through its support to Somali Police Forces and judicial capacities within the framework of the New Deal process and in coordination with other donors. The EU will take forward its integrated approach to improving security and rule of law in Somalia, on the basis of Somali ownership and responsibility, close coordination with other actors and coherence and synergies between EU instruments, in particular between its CSDP missions and operations.
9. The EU welcomes the establishment of the Integrated UN Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM), in line with UNSCR 2093 (2013), and expresses strong support for its crucial mission, including political good offices, capacity-building, international coordination, including humanitarian coordination, and promoting human rights. The EU is committed to coordinate its action with UNSOM and the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General in Somalia.
10. The EU welcomes the Federal Government's commitment to promote democracy, the rule of law and to improve human rights in Somalia. The EU expresses its concern at the reports of violations of human rights, including extrajudicial killings, violence against women, children and journalists, arbitrary detention and sexual violence in camps for internally displaced persons, and underscores the need to end impunity, uphold human rights and to hold accountable those who commit such crimes.
11. The EU expresses concern at the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Somalia and its impact on the people of Somalia. It recalls the importance for humanitarian actors to deliver life-saving assistance to vulnerable populations and condemns any misuse or obstruction of humanitarian assistance. The EU underlines the importance of allowing the full, safe, independent, timely and unimpeded access of all humanitarian actors to all those in need of assistance, in line with international humanitarian principles, and underlines further the importance of full accountability in international humanitarian support.

12. Recalling its Conclusions of31 January, the EU reiterates the importance of good neighbourly relations for peace, security and prosperity in Somalia. Somalia's neighbours and the wider international community have an important role to play in improving security and encouraging political dialogue. The EU welcomes the role of the Inter-Governmental Authority for Development (IGAD) in assisting reconciliation in Somalia and expresses its readiness to support IGAD, AU and UN efforts to stabilise the country. Enhanced regional cooperation and engagement is not only an important factor to achieve results in Somalia, but will also help to create the conditions for greater stability and prosperity across the region.

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