The Somali Forum for Unity and Democracy (SFUD) welcomes the prime minister's withdrawal of the list of cabinet appointees

Sunday January 18, 2015 - 06:22:19 in Local News by Chief Editor
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    The Somali Forum for Unity and Democracy (SFUD) welcomes the prime minister's withdrawal of the list of cabinet appointees

    Mogadishu, 18 Jan. 2015 (Qalin) - The Somali Forum for Unity and Democracy welcomes the decision of the Prime Minister to withdraw the list of cabinet appointees, responding to the deep concerns over the list held by an overwhelming majority of parli

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Mogadishu, 18 Jan. 2015 (Qalin) - The Somali Forum for Unity and Democracy welcomes the decision of the Prime Minister to withdraw the list of cabinet appointees, responding to the deep concerns over the list held by an overwhelming majority of parliamentarians. We commend the efforts of Forum members and other parliamentarians, as well as our public in voicing disapproval to the list. This signifies to the Somali people that a democratic culture is emerging in our country, a culture that will allow the desired checks and balances to flourish in our political system.

The Forum strongly urges the prime minister to use this opportunity to form an inclusive and competent government. A government that can steer our country to free and fair elections in 2016, and one that is capable of advancing our national agenda to improve the rule of law and good governance; restore security, uphold human rights, provide basic social services and enhance the welfare of our citizens.

We appeal to the prime minister to not reinstate those that have been responsible for the political instability of our state institutions. We reiterate the importance of the supremacy of law and the respect for the constitution. In this context, we implore the President of the Republic to not constrain the prime minister in the selection of cabinet members and to abide by the constitution.

We reaffirm the Forum’s strong commitment in upholding the constitution, and as such will support the prime minister to form an inclusive, balanced and competent government.