Debates in Somalia Parliament end as members wait to vote

Saturday December 06, 2014 - 12:17:41 in Local News by Chief Editor
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    Debates in Somalia Parliament end as members wait to vote

    MOGADISHU, 06 Dec. 2014, (Qalin) - The Somalia parliament finished the first face of its session about the discussion of the motion against the cabinet of PM Abdiweli Sheikh Ahmed.

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Speaker Jawari speaking in the Parliament
MOGADISHU, 06 Dec. 2014, (Qalin) - The Somalia parliament finished the first face of its session about the discussion of the motion against the cabinet of PM Abdiweli Sheikh Ahmed. About 20 members of the parliament, who were part of 87 Parliament members that registered themselves to comment on the motion finished their speeches and prepare for the vote.

both pro and cons of the motions suggested their arguments in the parliament, to defend the bases of their argument towards the motion against the PM.
The Parliament is preparing to vote and the parliament staff, who are prepared to count the votes were sworn in front of the parliament to emphasize their loyalty to the counting of the votes.

The speaker asked the parliament to prepare for the beginning of the voting. 
Follows us to further proceedings.