Somalia Parliament officially dismissed the Prime Minister Abdiweli Sheikh Ahmed

Saturday December 06, 2014 - 13:40:54 in Local News by Chief Editor
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    Somalia Parliament officially dismissed the Prime Minister Abdiweli Sheikh Ahmed

    MOGADISHU, 06 Dec.2014 (Qalin) – The Somalia parliament officially dismissed the Somalia Prime Minister Abdiweli Sheikh Ahmed through a motion of no confidence against his government, which the Lawmakers approved Saturday.

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Parliament in tense situation
MOGADISHU, 06 Dec.2014 (Qalin) – The Somalia parliament officially dismissed the Somalia Prime Minister Abdiweli Sheikh Ahmed through a motion of no confidence against his government, which the Lawmakers approved Saturday.

Speaker of the House, Mohamed Osman Jawari announced the result of the vote moments after the counting, and announced that the PM lost his post from 1:00pm Saturday as a result of 3 hours long speeches and preparations of the voting for the motion.

"The parliament continued its discussions about the motion of no confidence against the Prime Minister Abdiweli Sheikh Ahmed Mohamed, and finally we came to the point that we announce the result of the process” the speaker said.

"235 members of the parliament were present, 153 of them voted for the motion against the PM and 80 of them voted against the motion and supported the PM, 2 abstained from voting, so that, the PM and his cabinet officially lost the confidence of the parliament”

The PM was nominated in January this year when his predecessor Abdi Farah Shirdon was sacked by the parliament after he was accused of failing to fulfil his duty. He started conflicting with the president after very few months and his difference with the president was public since then.

Efforts by the international Community and the speaker of the parliament to mediate the PM and the president failed after the PM refused to compromise from a reshuffled he made in the cabinet, which affected the former minister of Justice Farah Abdulkader, the president’s right hand man.

The Speaker urged the president to nominate a new PM in 30 days as the constitutions says and the sacked Premier will continue to work as caretaker of the office.
