Somalia President acknowledges the sacking of the PM by the Federal Parliament

Saturday December 06, 2014 - 21:51:49 in Local News by Chief Editor
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    Somalia President acknowledges the sacking of the PM by the Federal Parliament

    MOGADISHU, 06 Dec. 2014 (Qalin) - The President of Somalia, Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, acknowledges the Federal Parliament of Somalia's No Confidence vote to sack the Prime Minister Abdiweli Sheikh Ahmed.

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MOGADISHU, 06 Dec. 2014 (Qalin) - The President of Somalia, Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, acknowledges the Federal Parliament of Somalia's No Confidence vote to sack the Prime Minister Abdiweli Sheikh Ahmed.
The President first thanked the Members of the Federal Parliament (MPs). "I
want to thank all MPs for their active participation, regardless of whether they
voted yes, no or abstained. I commend them for following parliamentary procedures. I
say, very clearly, that there is no winner or loser,” H.E. the President said.

The President expressed his appreciation for the efforts of the former Prime
Minister and the outgoing administration during their tenure. The President
encouraged both the state institutions and the people of Somalia to accord them the
respect they deserve for their service to the nation.

The President highlighted the capacity and growing maturity of the nascent
Federal Institutions to resolve political challenges without outside intervention.

The President reassured the Somali public and international partners that there
will be no lull in the peace and state building efforts, including the fight against
al-Shabaab and all other forms extremism and criminal behaviour. To that end, H.E.
the President ordered the security institutions to redouble their efforts to protect
the nation.

The President said: "We need to return our focus to the reconstruction and
revitalisation of the nation. Security, Vision 2016 including the Federal Process,
the review and adoption of the Constitution and the successful delivery of credible
national elections in 2016, are our priorities going forward.”

The President concluded that, no time would be lost in ensuring a broad but
focussed consultation, after which he will appoint a new Prime Minister who can lead
a government capable of meeting the expectations of Somali people.