Suicide bombing targeted to hotel that hosted IGAD ministers

Thursday January 22, 2015 - 21:18:49 in Local News by Chief Editor
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    Suicide bombing targeted to hotel that hosted IGAD ministers

    Mogadishu, 22 Jan 2015 (Qalin) - At least three people including two suicide bombers died in at attacked tarted to SYL hotel in Mogadishu where a preliminary Turkish Delegation ha a meeting.

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Mogadishu, 22 Jan 2015 (Qalin) - At least three people including two suicide bombers died in at attacked tarted to SYL hotel in Mogadishu where a preliminary Turkish Delegation ha a meeting. A driver of a car laden with improvised explosive devices hit his car at the gate of the hotel, killing a security guard who was trying to stop him, while another fighter tried to enter the hotel before he was killed by the security guards.

The police spokesman Col. Qasim Ahmed Roble told the media that a security guard was killed in the terror attack targeted to the hotel where the Somalia president will host his Turkish counterpart who is expected to make a landmark visit to Somalia on Friday.

"The attackers wanted to enter the hotel and exploded, they were stopped, they didn't stop and the security forces shoot them and foiled their attempt" Roble said. "It was a terror act but will not affect the visit of the Turkish president and his delegation" he added.

Alshabab claimed the responsibility of the attack and stated that they killed high level government officials who had meetings in the hotel.
Alshabab military spokesman Abdulaziz Abu Musab told the Alshabab media that the suicide bombers were from Alshabab and tarted to a meeting in the hotel.

The attack is coming hours before the Turkish President Recep Tayyib Erdogan makes a landmark visit to Somalia and open some important Turkish development projects in Mogadishu.