Announcement of Banadiri Women Diaspora Chairperson and Her Deputy

Tuesday December 01, 2015 - 22:43:09 in Local News by Sub Editor - Ayub Ismail
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    Announcement of Banadiri Women Diaspora Chairperson and Her Deputy

    Announcement of Banadiri Women Diaspora Chairperson and Her Deputy

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Announcement of Banadiri Women Diaspora Chairperson and Her Deputy  

 Announcement of Banadiri Women Diaspora Chairperson and Her Deputy

The Chairman of Banadiri Political Reformation Council (BPRC) with its executive committee resolved at its meeting held on November 29, 2015 in Mogadishu that Mrs. Asha Mohamud Hussien ‘Shuuto’  and Ms. Safia Osman Mohamed ‘Safia Sharif’ serve as the chairperson and deputy chairperson of Banadiri Women Diaspora respectively with effect from November 29, 2015 both will also continue to serve as general assembly members.


The Chairman of Banadiri Political Reformation Council (BPRC) and its executive members are welcoming their posts and wish them success in shaping the future of Banadiri community in Diasporas as general and particularly in the women section. 


It is hereby certified by the undersigned that the foregoing resolution was duly passed by the executive members of the above-named council on November 29, 2015 in accordance with the By-Laws and the laws and by-laws governing the Council and that the said resolution has been duly recorded in the Minute Book and is in full force and effect.


RESOLVED, that the following persons are selected to the titles indicated next to their names to serve until he or she resigns, is removed from office or is otherwise disqualified from serving as the chairperson of this Council, to take their respective office(s) immediately upon such appointment:






Mrs. Asha Mohamud Hussien ‘Shuuto’

Vice chairperson

Ms. Safia Osman Mohamed ‘Safia Sharif’



Chairman of BPRC

Dr. Lutfi Sheriff Mohamed Omar