Unlawful decisions of the so called National Consultative Forum

Thursday January 28, 2016 - 15:37:05 in Local News by Sub Editor - Ayub Ismail
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    Unlawful decisions of the so called National Consultative Forum

    Bismillaahi Rahmani Rahiim, The Banadiri Political Reformation Counsel (BPRC) hereby condemn in the highest possible language to the awful outcome of the so called National Consultation Forum, which served for interest of clan politicians, who margi

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Bismillaahi Rahmani Rahiim, The Banadiri Political Reformation Counsel (BPRC) hereby condemn in the highest possible language to the awful outcome of the so called National Consultation Forum, which served for interest of clan politicians, who marginalized the Banadiri Community, The all other minority groups through the forum representation and decisions.

Press statement

Unlawful decisions of the so called National Consultative Forum

Bismillaahi Rahmani Rahiim,

The Banadiri Political Reformation Counsel (BPRC) hereby condemn in the highest possible language to the awful outcome of the so called National Consultation Forum, which served for interest of clan politicians, who marginalized the Banadiri Community, The all other minority groups through the forum representation and decisions.

The BPRC was terribly shocked when we read the communique of the so called leaders of the federal states and the federal government, who intentionally marginalized the Banadiri community in the process, which gives the armed clans that occupy regions to share the upper house of the parliament.

In the 4.5 system, which the Banadiri Community, and other clans were marginalized was accepting us at least half of what the other clans were getting as political power-sharing, but the upper house of the parliament is now shared by Hawiye, Darod, Dir and Rahanweyn, while the rest of the clans including Banadiri were deliberately left without representation.

"We are completely shocked to learn that the so called leaders that attended the NFC decided to share all the members of the upper house just between their clans, their decision is a complete betrayal to the public and national interest, they didn’t represent us in the conferences and the decided to leave us behind, but we are still citizen communities fighting for their rights” Said the Chairman of BPRC Dr. Lutfi Sheriff Mohamed Omar

"The government intentionally left us during the nomination of the technical team of the consultation meetings, and now we are marginalized through that non inclusive process, so that, both the process and the outcome are illegal and can’t be treated as something representing the Somali people” He added.

The Banadiri Community calls on the international community to pressure the leaders to accommodate the Banadiri community and all other minority clans and groups to the system or otherwise review its support to such clan biasing system.

We call on the entire Somalia parliament to take legal action against the decisions that are threat to the national interest, the sovereignty and integrity of the Somali people.

Finally,BPRC calls the international community, The UK, EU, US, UN, IGAD, AU, LAS, The governments of Sweden, Norway and Finland and the troop contributing countries of AMISOMto demonstrate against the very unlawful decision, which decides the people of the country into citizens that have right to represent and represented and citizens that have no right to represent and no represented.



Best regards,

Dr. Lutfi Sharif Mohamed

Chairman Banadiri Political Reform Counsel-BPRC